too busy"
There is no denying this one! We can
use this excuse all day long! Most of us are very busy every day.
It's understood that we all have responsibilities and that we have to
set priorities. Do you consider yourself a priority? Most of us have
flown in an airplane for vacation and there is always the same safety
speech in case of emergencies. Notice that they always say to secure
your own mask, life jacket, etc., BEFORE you
try and help someone else. Regular massage is just one positive way
of taking care of yourself first mentally, physically and emotionally. It has many benefits that go
beyond relaxation and pampering. If you really want to do something,
you'll do it, no matter how busy you are. Are you really too busy to take
care of YOU?
2. "It
cost too much"
The other night I was out with my
husband. We saw a movie and then decided to get some dinner. Do you
Know that every restaurant we stopped at was filled with cars and at
least a 20 minute wait to be seated? Quite often you stop at the
expensive coffee shop before work and get coffee and perhaps a
breakfast sandwich. Then later that afternoon for lunch, maybe you
buy from the local Chinese place or sandwich shop. All of these things add
up very quickly. I would never tell anyone how to spend their hard
earned money but perhaps, think about spending it on something where
the effects will last and leave you feeling real relief. The regular
cost of an hour massage from BodyWise Therapeutic massage is $65.00.
That means if you save $32.50 a week you can get a massage every 2
weeks. $16.25 every week for a session once per month. Or save about
$11 a week for a massage every 6 weeks. There are so many ways to
calculate the cost. Decide what you can reasonably handle and take
care of YOU. It's worth it, I promise! You're worth it!3.“I don't know If I'll feel comfortable"
This is common especially for those who
have never had a massage treatment before and don't know what to expect. It may also be the case
for someone who has had a massage and did not like their experience.
What I can suggest is a fully clothed table massage or even a
reflexology treatment. I have spoken to many who are not really fond
of having a “stranger” that close to them. Maybe easing your way
into it with a shorter session will help. Many have questions about
what to expect or would like to meet their Massage therapist before
hand so they feel more comfortable. I am always willing to meet you
at my office or speak with you over the phone before making an
appointment. A client / Massage Therapist relationship is based on
trust. My goal is to make you feel comfortable, and to assure that
you are receiving a quality, therapeutic massage session.
4.“It's not a necessity”
When I hear this, I think to myself,
“maybe you have not received a good quality massage.” Now, I
know that everyone has their own way of taking care of themselves
therapeutically, But That's just it, Its Therapeutic massage!
My question is, who doesn't need a Therapeutic Massage? To Relax is
great, but to have someone find and work out those areas of tension
and muscle tightness is where BodyWise Therapeutic Massage comes in.
Massage is injury prevention. Prevention from Carpal tunnel,
prevention from sciatica, prevention from frozen shoulder syndrome,
plantar fasciitis and so much more. If you are not interested in
injury prevention and /or relieving symptoms of injuries then, just
having an hour to yourself to relax and DE-stress is just as worth
it. Massage helps soothe feelings of anxiety and depression as well.
didn't like the Massage Therapist”
Not all Massage Therapists are made
equal. We all have our strong points and weak points. We all have
different techniques and you are going to like or not like one more
than another. Having a massage one time is not going to do the trick.
There are many factors to consider when going to get a massage. Do
you want a spa or private practice? Do you prefer the more laid back cozy environment?
Do you like Swedish or deep tissue? Are you injured or coping with an
auto immune disease like fibromyalgia or arthritis? Perhaps when you
had your first massage, you needed a slightly different treatment
than what you received. I suggest looking around for one that fits
your needs. Yes, this may take time but it will be worth it when you
find just what your are looking for. Ask your friends who they see or
pick up the phone and call a few places to ask questions and meet
them in person. Start off with a 30 minute session and if you feel
comfortable and notice results, book longer sessions. Don't give up
on your search. In my Opinion, EVERYONE needs massage or bodywork of
some sort. Don't be afraid to tell the massage therapist that you are
“trying” them out. On the other hand, Don't feel bad if they are
not what YOU need. We understand and want you to find your fit.
I am an advocate of regular massage and usually have one every two weeks or at least once per month. While its great to give and do things for others, don't forget about doing something for YOURSELF.
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed!
Don't forget, Comment, Share and Follow me on Facebook!
Lorin Janae~~