Sunday, February 15, 2015

I just wasn't on top of my game

I wasn't on top of my game 

Have you ever felt like this? Like you know what needs to be done and you're attempting to get it done but something just doesn't feel right? About a month, ago I started eating in a way that is clean and healthy to me. I cut out dairy, I've been more strict with not eating gluten and I've managed to successfully eat more veggies and drink lots more water. Yay! I feel great! Since I've been on this regimen, I have felt so energized, motivated to get it to many different things, determined and did I mention lighter!?! So why, today, did I feel so off?

I had only one massage, A client that Has been coming to me for her regular 90 minute massage for over 2 yrs. All this month, I have felt like Wonder Woman, saving the world one massage at a time! And today, I couldn't seem to get my cape on right!?!  (Does Wonder Woman even have a cape or just a cute outfit? 0~:)  
This particular calendar day, I frequently used too much oil, which doesn't allow me to work into the muscles like I need to. My footing was off. I did not feel grounded. All I could think to myself was, "she's not gonna come back!" "Give it your all, girl! Give it all you got before you lose her as a regular!" Somehow  I managed to get through the entire session without tripping over myself or the massage table, but I certainly felt "off" today. 

Phew!!!....When my client got off the table and came out of the massage room, the look of relief and relaxation on her face and calm demeanor just said it ALL! I did my job. I made someone feel so much better than they did when they walked through my office doors and lay on my table. My client had no clue that I wasn't quite on top of my game. We chatted a bit, finished our transaction and scheduled for the next time. 

After all that worry, I realized that it's perfectly fine to not be perfectly fine. Sometimes we have the habit of not thinking enough of ourselves when in fact, we are doing our very best and our best is ENOUGH. This week I've had a lot of exciting new things on my mind and today was the exception to all the good days I've had all month. I'm not sad at all. In fact I feel energized and excited for what's to come.  My Massage game felt off this time, and I'm sure it will happen again. All I can do is gear up for the next one & be confident that I can positively affect someone life, one fabulous massage at a time! 

Whenever you feel like you just can't get it right, remember this: YOU ARE ENOUGH!!

Thank you for reading!
Lorin Janae

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