Thursday, October 4, 2012


This time of year always reminds of me of being a kid. I remember the back to school days and standing outside waiting for the bus. I was one of those kids who actually liked going back to school. Not because I was excited to learn, but because I was excited to see how many outfits I could make with my new school clothes.
Sometimes I wish my mother would take me school shopping again.  I would ask her for the most expensive pair of shoes, to match my new outfit. She would  say no and then I would somehow convince her that I just needed to have them. They are the latest and most fashionable shoes and no one else will have them because they are different and colorful and full of flare and character! 

Now that I'm an adult, I realize that I will most likely not be begging my mother to buy some new shoes, that hopefully, no one else will have. Instead I will be looking at he price and saying, "please, I ain't paying that much! They must be crazy! I'll  wait till they go on clearance."

Isn't it true that when you get older those things don't really matter to us anymore? Having the latest and greatest and caring how much it costs? Don't get me wrong, I still like to be fashionable and stylish. I just don't feel the need to break the bank over it. My husband, I'm sure will say I spend more than he thinks I should but I'm a girl.....(Excuse me, I mean I'm a woman)....the point is, clothes and shoes are always more expensive for us. ( maybe its the other way around but guys don't need to have as many choices as women, right?) 

Ok so now I'm ranting. This was supposed to be about the fall season. 
I love this time of year because the weather just makes me feels good. It's cool and crisp most days and the colors of the leaves and trees seem to be more brilliant than ever. Its a time of year that I just want to go outside and take a deep breath and take it all in. The air, the smells, the colors and the cool sky against the warm sun......It just feels good. (say that slowly while closing your eyes and taking a deep breadth, just feel it!!!) ummm, fresh, fall air.

I love fall fashion. Sweaters, boots, scarves and yes, who doesn't love a great fitting pair of corduroy jeans! Thats right, the kind you can't help but to glance at as you walk past the mirror! 
The truth is, Autumn is actually my favorite season. I don't like when it's cold but I love that I can throw on a sweater and some, "yea, I know they cute boots", and still look good without the big bulky coat. Fall just feels cozy and comfortable to me. 
What about you?
What's your favorite season and why?

Thanx for reading!

Lorin Janae~~
AKA, Autumn

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