Wednesday, October 17, 2012


What I would like to write about today is how I'm feeling depressed. I woke up this way and it has not gotten better all day. 
Despite wanting to write about this, I'm deciding to write about something positive. Something I'm working on is changing my negative thoughts into positive thoughts. So, instead of telling myself "I CAN'T do something, I'm learning to tell myself  " I CAN".

I tend to get overwhelmed and stressed out easily and lately I feel overwhelmed with trying to be a successful business owner. I decided to start my own business knowing it would be a challenge. I just really didn't know what to expect.
Please remember, that when I say successful, I mean able to appeal to people and help them with perhaps, chronic or acute, physical pain. I mean become a known and trusted source for the field of bodywork. Im not expecting or even trying to get rich. I'd like to make a decent living. 
 October 31st will be 5 months since I officially started my massage business. and I am Unrealistically expecting to be extremely busy. Yes, unrealistically expecting to have the phone ringing off the hook!
All day, everyday, I am in business mode.Thinking about what I will do next, Who I can call, What I can post on Facebook.........and it goes on and on. As a matter of fact, today I went to the gym with my husband to do a weight training workout. At the end of it he told me that there were times when I looked like the weights were too easy. He said  while doing a bicep curl,  I looked like I was thinking " hmm, I wonder who I can give my card to today? how may massages will I do this week?, Oh, maybe I can set up my business info at another local business" ..............I looked at him and I had to laugh in amazement! He was spot on! Don't get me wrong, my biceps & triceps hurt this very moment as I type this blog, but, wow, he was right! Does the man know me well or what?! ( how did he do that!) ....... Im obsessed with my business!

After pondering all the things I am doing for my business, I almost thought, "well, maybe I should do a groupon deal. People will call me and then ill be busier." It's true, these deals get people in the door. They'll give the illusion that my business is doing great, when in fact, its not. I worked for a company  who did groupons and Living Social deals and had lots of business. the phone wouldn't stop ringing! and in the end, that business is no longer open. While there might be some advantages to it, I don't see that they out way the disadvantages. At least not for me.
Business might be slow now but I still stand by my work as a Massage Therapist.  I absolutely love what I do! I know I give a great massage and that my work will speak for itself.  I bring color to the world of massage. I am an artist, a massage artist. I don't give half hearted massages. 

 Getting my name out there is tricky, but it will come. I understand now, even more than I did a month ago what it means when people say it takes time. It also takes patience, confidence, and persistence. Im learning a lot in the process. Staying positive is essential. If I don't believe or feel like my business will grow, then it most likely won't and that negativity will push people away. But, If I can visualize what I would like my business to be and focus on building that with positive thoughts, then eventually it will get there. I have determination to make this work. 
Im going to have my moments of being unsure and insecure. Its called being human and imperfect. In the meantime, I tell myself:


Thanks for reading!...

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Lorin Janae~~

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