Tuesday, October 30, 2012


So,  often times I think of things to write about while I'm supposed to be sleeping. The other night I was up thinking about my friends who, in my opinion, are practically being bullied by their boss. From there I started thinking about how hard it could be at times to change our current situations. For my friends,  of course, it's a lot easier said then done. They have families to help support financially, or are the sole provider for their household.
I used to work with them at the same office and I have an idea of some of the pressures they are dealing with. I can't say that I felt like I was personally bullied but I did notice first hand the foul treatment my co-workers received. I left for some of the same reasons they want to leave along with some of my own personal reasons. It takes courage to stand up for yourself. I don't always do this and the times that I haven't, I regret. I don't feel that it is always necessary to tell someone off but saying how you feel and perhaps why you are unhappy is important.

Deciding to leave a job for whatever the reason is not easy for most of us. That dreaded conversation with the boss! 

I remember the conversation I had with mine and I felt so intimidated. I felt like I was making a complete mistake at that moment on the phone even though the moment before, I was confident I was making the right decision. 
I was accused of making things really inconvenient for THEM. I was never asked why I was leaving. Never asked if there was anything they could do to keep me, or even told that they were sorry to see me go. Instead, it was all about what I was putting my bosses through, how inconvenient I made it for them. I was made to feel like I was the selfish one for wanting to pursue my own goals and deciding that this was not the place for me.

At first, I felt confused. I felt like I really was making it so hard for them and that I was being selfish. Then of course my supportive husband helped me get back to reality. I realized, especially at that point, just how much I needed to leave. My bosses were controlling. In my opinion it was almost verbal abuse how I was treated at the time I quit. Those next two weeks would be the longest. I was told not to tell the patients I saw that I was leaving, that they would tell them AFTER I was gone. Who knows what they told them. Of course I still told some and when they found out, I was reprimanded and told that they could get in trouble by insurance....I dont know, It made absolutely no sense! In the 7 months I worked there, I never called out. Yet, I was the selfish and unappreciative one. I didn't want to leave without saying how I felt, so I wrote an email to my bosses explaining just that. I'd say it was to the point,  yet respectful. I never received an apology, or even a response for that matter.  
Needless to say, I am happy I am out of there but Unfortunately, it was not an easy process.

It's taking a risk to decide to leave a job or do anything that in effect will actually change what you are currently used to, especially if its what you've known for a number of years. It takes being brave to say to yourself that everything is going to be okay if you make this decision. It takes believing that you truly deserve better then what you are facing right now.  It's important to think about others around you and how they will be affected, but it also at times just as important to get out of a situation that is not good for you mentally, emotionally or physically. It is often times after you make the choice that things start to become more clear to you. You begin to feel empowered. If you are being controlled and bullied by anyone, its probably in your best interest to do your best to get out of the situation. 
 I am VERY happy with my decision to leave my job. I don't regret it at all. I feel for the Ladies that are still there and are looking for their way out. Usually, when its the right time, you just know. 
I have always had a hard time dealing with change. Sometimes it is under my control other times its not. But Whether it is or isn't, sometimes  It just needs to happen. Instead of thinking the worst, Think of what you can learn from the change that is happening or that you wish to happen.  Change has taught me a lot about the person I am and would like to be. Change has made me more aware of my self esteem and helped me to be more confident in myself.  I suggest talking to those who know you the best and have your best interests at heart. 
In the meantime, stay positive, and know your worth!

Please understand that these are only my personal opinions based on my own expriences.

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Until the next time, 
always be creative & Thanks for reading

Lorin Janae~~

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