Monday, November 5, 2012


Imagine if as adults we still went everywhere with our favorite stuffed animal, or blanket. What if we jumped over cracks and picked up sticks and stones and imagined that we had to hide from "the bad guys" at the age of ...hmmm, let's say 30? We would look crazy, right? 
I was with my 5 yr old niece this weekend and I wish I still had half her imagination. It didn't matter where we were, at home or going for a walk, she had a game to play. I just went along with whatever she wanted to do or play and I was TIRED! even still, I had fun. We had fun. 
We took a walk and I discovered I could "swim" in the streets and paddle my boat with the sticks we picked up off the ground. I found out that its okay to jump over cracks, not because we didn't want to break our mothers backs, but simply because it was fun! We used a stick to walk like "Moses" did and I was told that God has no legs, and that we should pick up a stick for him so that he could walk too. Let me add that this was only a 15 - 20 minute walk and my niece's imagination never stopped! 
We have all said it at some point,......"To be a kid again"! 
This weekend the only thing she may have seemed stressed about was having to go to bed, taking a bath or drinking her water. 
We made bookmarks and wrote a book called "Mary had a little lamb" which included mary having picture day at school, feeding cows in the barn and ended with Mary playing XBOX and watching movies and finally going to sleep because she was tired. These were  all little Leila's Ideas. Sunday evening ended with us putting a sweat shirt on "Tiggy Tiger" (her favorite stuffed animal she can't live without) so he can stay warm and then him falling asleep on the car ride home because he had such a long day. The imagination of a child is priceless.
Why are we so stressed as adults? As a child, our lives were so simple. We didn't worry about what we looked like in public carrying our favorite toy everywhere or wearing our favorite color (pink) from head to toe. As a child, we didn't think about what our next meal would be or how much we actually didn't have. 
I was told by a little someone that two bathrooms are too many and that we should get rid of one. I laughed but the truth is, we as adults THINK we need so much. She has learned to share so well, and in her mind, why can't we all just share one bathroom? Mommy and daddy only have one bathroom in their house.
I think so many of us forget that we can learn from kids. They are simple. They don't worry about what they look like to others. If they don't feel comfortable hugging or being around someone they don't know well, they usually make it known and they see nothing wrong with it. Children live to laugh and enjoy themselves and go wherever their imagination takes them. 
It's funny to think that once we reach a certain age, we can't wait to be adults, and do adult things. Yet, as adults, we don't want to get any older. The more adult we become, the more we realize that sometimes our adult activities cause us unwanted stress or anxiety, while children are usually happy with their childish behavior. 
Of course, it goes without saying, be a responsible adult. At the same time, enjoy your youth no matter what your age is. 5 or 65. Learn to be happy with the simple pleasures in life and enjoy every moment! Don't take life so serious all the time and learn to use your imagination again. Most of us have forgotten how to do that and could use some brushing up! I know I have!

Be youthful,  Be simple, Be creative , & Enjoy your "youth"!

Thanks for reading!

Lorin Janae~~

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