Wednesday, March 25, 2015


This Journey is new. This Journey is Young. But it is MY journey. Loving myself enough to trust my intuition when it comes to this business and more importantly, these gems. These oils. In order to be successful, you need to believe in what it is you are after. I am after health and mental grounding. I believe in my oils. I feel more healthy. I am more grounded. I BELIEVE I have found my success.

Lorin Janae ~

Sunday, February 15, 2015

I just wasn't on top of my game

I wasn't on top of my game 

Have you ever felt like this? Like you know what needs to be done and you're attempting to get it done but something just doesn't feel right? About a month, ago I started eating in a way that is clean and healthy to me. I cut out dairy, I've been more strict with not eating gluten and I've managed to successfully eat more veggies and drink lots more water. Yay! I feel great! Since I've been on this regimen, I have felt so energized, motivated to get it to many different things, determined and did I mention lighter!?! So why, today, did I feel so off?

I had only one massage, A client that Has been coming to me for her regular 90 minute massage for over 2 yrs. All this month, I have felt like Wonder Woman, saving the world one massage at a time! And today, I couldn't seem to get my cape on right!?!  (Does Wonder Woman even have a cape or just a cute outfit? 0~:)  
This particular calendar day, I frequently used too much oil, which doesn't allow me to work into the muscles like I need to. My footing was off. I did not feel grounded. All I could think to myself was, "she's not gonna come back!" "Give it your all, girl! Give it all you got before you lose her as a regular!" Somehow  I managed to get through the entire session without tripping over myself or the massage table, but I certainly felt "off" today. 

Phew!!!....When my client got off the table and came out of the massage room, the look of relief and relaxation on her face and calm demeanor just said it ALL! I did my job. I made someone feel so much better than they did when they walked through my office doors and lay on my table. My client had no clue that I wasn't quite on top of my game. We chatted a bit, finished our transaction and scheduled for the next time. 

After all that worry, I realized that it's perfectly fine to not be perfectly fine. Sometimes we have the habit of not thinking enough of ourselves when in fact, we are doing our very best and our best is ENOUGH. This week I've had a lot of exciting new things on my mind and today was the exception to all the good days I've had all month. I'm not sad at all. In fact I feel energized and excited for what's to come.  My Massage game felt off this time, and I'm sure it will happen again. All I can do is gear up for the next one & be confident that I can positively affect someone life, one fabulous massage at a time! 

Whenever you feel like you just can't get it right, remember this: YOU ARE ENOUGH!!

Thank you for reading!
Lorin Janae

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Have you done this one little thing today?

I smiled at someone today and they smiled right back at me! I love it when that happens! Don't you? It's true, a smile is contagious and it never hurts anyone. 

This week is International Random Acts of Kindness Week. Now, I know the week is just about over but it's never too late to be kind, right? Their website is packed with great ideas on how to celebrate, and I especially love the approach of committing a random act of kindness for three different people:
  • Someone you don't know
  • Someone you know
  • Yourself
Someone you don't know
This are pretty simple and can quickly become a habit. (That's a good thing!)
Smile. When you're in a depressingly long line at the bank, watching a parent deal with their toddler's public meltdown, or sitting next to another car in traffic. A kind grin goes a long way when you're feeling a bit hopeless about the daily hassles in life.
Someone you know
Take a moment to think about who in your life may be a little touch-deficient. Maybe you know someone who is recently widowed, a single parent with older children, or a new empty-nester. Maybe even a young teenager in an especially introverted stage of awkwardness.
Make it a point to touch someone. It could be a warm hand shake, high-five, or great hug, whatever is appropriate for that person and situation. Touch is shown to make us happier and healthier, and it benefits both you and the receiver!
People depend on you, so it's important to take care of yourself. If you've only got a few minutes, steal away and flip through a great magazine. If you can set aside some more time, get a Massage, go for a walk by yourself to recharge, or window shop at your favorite mall. I personally like to draw, paint, cook and I always have essential oils diffusing in the back round for that warm and cozy extra relaxed feeling. I get my oils HERE.
Kindness doesn’t have to cost you anything, and it doesn’t need to be a grand gesture. A little goes a long way!

Always be kind and remember: 

May you have Peace, Love and Rejuvenation🌾
Lorin Janae

Monday, December 17, 2012


 have been a Massage Therapist almost 5 years now. While that is not a very long time, it's  long enough to notice trends within the industry. Of course, I try my best to encourage most to have regular massage, but here are some of the common reasons I have heard for NOT making it a regular practice.

1.”I'm too busy"

There is no denying this one! We can use this excuse all day long! Most of us are very busy every day. It's understood that we all have responsibilities and that we have to set priorities. Do you consider yourself a priority? Most of us have flown in an airplane for vacation and there is always the same safety speech in case of emergencies. Notice that they always say to secure your own mask, life jacket, etc., BEFORE you try and help someone else. Regular massage is just one positive way of taking care of yourself first mentally, physically and emotionally. It has many benefits that go beyond relaxation and pampering. If you really want to do something, you'll do it, no matter how busy you are. Are you really too busy to take care of YOU?
2. "It cost too much"
The other night I was out with my husband. We saw a movie and then decided to get some dinner. Do you Know that every restaurant we stopped at was filled with cars and at least a 20 minute wait to be seated?  Quite often you stop at the expensive coffee shop before work and get coffee and perhaps a breakfast sandwich. Then later that afternoon for lunch, maybe you buy from the local Chinese place or sandwich shop. All of these things add up very quickly. I would never tell anyone how to spend their hard earned money but perhaps, think about spending it on something where the effects will last and leave you feeling real relief. The regular cost of an hour massage from BodyWise Therapeutic massage is $65.00. That means if you save $32.50 a week you can get a massage every 2 weeks. $16.25 every week for a session once per month. Or save about $11 a week for a massage every 6 weeks. There are so many ways to calculate the cost. Decide what you can reasonably handle and take care of YOU. It's worth it, I promise! You're worth it!

3.“I don't know If I'll feel comfortable"

This is common especially for those who have never had a massage treatment before and don't know what to expect. It may also be the case for someone who has had a massage and did not like their experience. What I can suggest is a fully clothed table massage or even a reflexology treatment. I have spoken to many who are not really fond of having a “stranger” that close to them. Maybe easing your way into it with a shorter session will help. Many have questions about what to expect or would like to meet their Massage therapist before hand so they feel more comfortable. I am always willing to meet you at my office or speak with you over the phone before making an appointment. A client / Massage Therapist relationship is based on trust. My goal is to make you feel comfortable, and to assure that you are receiving a quality, therapeutic massage session.

  4.“It's not a necessity”

When I hear this, I think to myself, “maybe you have not received a good quality massage.” Now, I know that everyone has their own way of taking care of themselves therapeutically, But That's just it, Its Therapeutic massage! My question is, who doesn't need a Therapeutic Massage? To Relax is great, but to have someone find and work out those areas of tension and muscle tightness is where BodyWise Therapeutic Massage comes in. Massage is injury prevention. Prevention from Carpal tunnel, prevention from sciatica, prevention from frozen shoulder syndrome, plantar fasciitis and so much more. If you are not interested in injury prevention and /or relieving symptoms of injuries then, just having an hour to yourself to relax and DE-stress is just as worth it. Massage helps soothe feelings of anxiety and depression as well.
  5.I didn't like the Massage Therapist”
Not all Massage Therapists are made equal. We all have our strong points and weak points. We all have different techniques and you are going to like or not like one more than another. Having a massage one time is not going to do the trick. There are many factors to consider when going to get a massage. Do you want a spa or private practice? Do you prefer the more laid back cozy environment? Do you like Swedish or deep tissue? Are you injured or coping with an auto immune disease like fibromyalgia or arthritis? Perhaps when you had your first massage, you needed a slightly different treatment than what you received. I suggest looking around for one that fits your needs. Yes, this may take time but it will be worth it when you find just what your are looking for. Ask your friends who they see or pick up the phone and call a few places to ask questions and meet them in person. Start off with a 30 minute session and if you feel comfortable and notice results, book longer sessions. Don't give up on your search. In my Opinion, EVERYONE needs massage or bodywork of some sort. Don't be afraid to tell the massage therapist that you are “trying” them out. On the other hand, Don't feel bad if they are not what YOU need. We understand and want you to find your fit.
 I am an advocate of regular massage and usually have one every two weeks or at least once per month. While its great to give and do things for others, don't forget about doing something for YOURSELF.
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed!
Don't forget, Comment, Share and Follow me on Facebook!
Lorin Janae~~ 

Sunday, December 2, 2012


BodyWise is in the house!!!

To date, I have had two BodyWise Soirees, and they both were a lot of fun!

A BodyWise Soiree gives hosts and their guests a chance to experience what it's like to have a massage session with myself. I know what it is like to pay full price for a massage session and not be happy with it. Instead of doing 50% off deals, I choose to provide my services at a shorter length, while you and your guests pay less and enjoy a night of fun and laughter, for any event! I pay attention to what you tell me before your session and use my expertise to create for you a tailored, therapeutic massage that you will never forget. I believe in my work and strive to make you believe in it too!
I found ideas online of how massage parties can work and how they have been great for some I building their businesses. So, I decided to give it a try!

The first thing I did was decide on prices and services I would provide during my visit. Table massage, for the most part, always wins over chair massage with most people. (chair massage also available) I bring my table, sheets, music etc.. and set it all up in a private, cozy room away from the rest of the party. Your guests of 5- 8 people (receiving massage), have the choice of either a 20 minute or a 30 minute massage, in which they can choose to be fully clothed or undressed and covered while I use my lotions and oils to give a relaxing or therapeutic massage.

“How did it go?” you ask?
Well, for my first Soiree, I was very nervous and anxious about how it would be and what everyone would think of me as a Massage Therapist. I wondered if these Parties would be worth it to them. My worries were that no one would like my work, or that I would end up being so disorganized that it would all go wrong. I imagined that somehow I would not have enough time to do all the massages and someone would be very disappointed that they got skipped. At the same time, I was also very excited to be able to see how things would turn out and to see one of my business ideas come to life.

As it turned out, none of the above mishaps occurred and things went great for both events! I feel great when my clients can say, “ Wow! You found all the spots!” or at the end of their time they say “I like you, can you give me another 10 minutes, lets make it 30 minutes instead of 20.” One male client said, “I’ve been dealing with that pain in my low back for so long, and now I don feel it! This was so much better than the massage I had on vacation!”

During my second Soiree, the one thing I did different was introduce myself to the group, explain what I do and give them all my information before I met with them individually. I think I'll continue doing it this way. I didn’t at first because I didn’t want it to seem too formal or too much like demonstration party. I want to be personal and friendly though, and introducing myself to all at one time seems like the thing to do. I didn’t spend more than 5 minutes doing this and It felt natural and not forced.

All but one chose the oils and lotions for a 30 minute session. At each of the two soirees, I gave 4 massages. My original plan was to have at least 5 massages, but 4 has worked out well for me getting started. After their massage, Each person meets with me privately to pay for their service, ask any questions, and they also have the chance to purchase a gift certificate/s and or set up another massage appointment if they so choose. Finally, I gave them their gift bags filled with complimentary surprises to express my thanks for their interest in what I do.

All in all I am very happy with the results. Business in itself is always a challenge but trying new things for your business is even more of a challenge. These challenges help you grow and teach you to have confidence in yourself as a business owner. If we never try new things then we never know if we will be good at them or if its worth the risk.

A big THANK YOU to my sister for hosting and supporting my business ventures!

Thanks for reading!

For more information about hosting a BodyWise Soiree, Visit my Website!

Don't forget to Comment, Share or Like me on Facebook!
Lorin Janae~~

Monday, November 5, 2012


Imagine if as adults we still went everywhere with our favorite stuffed animal, or blanket. What if we jumped over cracks and picked up sticks and stones and imagined that we had to hide from "the bad guys" at the age of ...hmmm, let's say 30? We would look crazy, right? 
I was with my 5 yr old niece this weekend and I wish I still had half her imagination. It didn't matter where we were, at home or going for a walk, she had a game to play. I just went along with whatever she wanted to do or play and I was TIRED! even still, I had fun. We had fun. 
We took a walk and I discovered I could "swim" in the streets and paddle my boat with the sticks we picked up off the ground. I found out that its okay to jump over cracks, not because we didn't want to break our mothers backs, but simply because it was fun! We used a stick to walk like "Moses" did and I was told that God has no legs, and that we should pick up a stick for him so that he could walk too. Let me add that this was only a 15 - 20 minute walk and my niece's imagination never stopped! 
We have all said it at some point,......"To be a kid again"! 
This weekend the only thing she may have seemed stressed about was having to go to bed, taking a bath or drinking her water. 
We made bookmarks and wrote a book called "Mary had a little lamb" which included mary having picture day at school, feeding cows in the barn and ended with Mary playing XBOX and watching movies and finally going to sleep because she was tired. These were  all little Leila's Ideas. Sunday evening ended with us putting a sweat shirt on "Tiggy Tiger" (her favorite stuffed animal she can't live without) so he can stay warm and then him falling asleep on the car ride home because he had such a long day. The imagination of a child is priceless.
Why are we so stressed as adults? As a child, our lives were so simple. We didn't worry about what we looked like in public carrying our favorite toy everywhere or wearing our favorite color (pink) from head to toe. As a child, we didn't think about what our next meal would be or how much we actually didn't have. 
I was told by a little someone that two bathrooms are too many and that we should get rid of one. I laughed but the truth is, we as adults THINK we need so much. She has learned to share so well, and in her mind, why can't we all just share one bathroom? Mommy and daddy only have one bathroom in their house.
I think so many of us forget that we can learn from kids. They are simple. They don't worry about what they look like to others. If they don't feel comfortable hugging or being around someone they don't know well, they usually make it known and they see nothing wrong with it. Children live to laugh and enjoy themselves and go wherever their imagination takes them. 
It's funny to think that once we reach a certain age, we can't wait to be adults, and do adult things. Yet, as adults, we don't want to get any older. The more adult we become, the more we realize that sometimes our adult activities cause us unwanted stress or anxiety, while children are usually happy with their childish behavior. 
Of course, it goes without saying, be a responsible adult. At the same time, enjoy your youth no matter what your age is. 5 or 65. Learn to be happy with the simple pleasures in life and enjoy every moment! Don't take life so serious all the time and learn to use your imagination again. Most of us have forgotten how to do that and could use some brushing up! I know I have!

Be youthful,  Be simple, Be creative , & Enjoy your "youth"!

Thanks for reading!

Lorin Janae~~

Tuesday, October 30, 2012


So,  often times I think of things to write about while I'm supposed to be sleeping. The other night I was up thinking about my friends who, in my opinion, are practically being bullied by their boss. From there I started thinking about how hard it could be at times to change our current situations. For my friends,  of course, it's a lot easier said then done. They have families to help support financially, or are the sole provider for their household.
I used to work with them at the same office and I have an idea of some of the pressures they are dealing with. I can't say that I felt like I was personally bullied but I did notice first hand the foul treatment my co-workers received. I left for some of the same reasons they want to leave along with some of my own personal reasons. It takes courage to stand up for yourself. I don't always do this and the times that I haven't, I regret. I don't feel that it is always necessary to tell someone off but saying how you feel and perhaps why you are unhappy is important.

Deciding to leave a job for whatever the reason is not easy for most of us. That dreaded conversation with the boss! 

I remember the conversation I had with mine and I felt so intimidated. I felt like I was making a complete mistake at that moment on the phone even though the moment before, I was confident I was making the right decision. 
I was accused of making things really inconvenient for THEM. I was never asked why I was leaving. Never asked if there was anything they could do to keep me, or even told that they were sorry to see me go. Instead, it was all about what I was putting my bosses through, how inconvenient I made it for them. I was made to feel like I was the selfish one for wanting to pursue my own goals and deciding that this was not the place for me.

At first, I felt confused. I felt like I really was making it so hard for them and that I was being selfish. Then of course my supportive husband helped me get back to reality. I realized, especially at that point, just how much I needed to leave. My bosses were controlling. In my opinion it was almost verbal abuse how I was treated at the time I quit. Those next two weeks would be the longest. I was told not to tell the patients I saw that I was leaving, that they would tell them AFTER I was gone. Who knows what they told them. Of course I still told some and when they found out, I was reprimanded and told that they could get in trouble by insurance....I dont know, It made absolutely no sense! In the 7 months I worked there, I never called out. Yet, I was the selfish and unappreciative one. I didn't want to leave without saying how I felt, so I wrote an email to my bosses explaining just that. I'd say it was to the point,  yet respectful. I never received an apology, or even a response for that matter.  
Needless to say, I am happy I am out of there but Unfortunately, it was not an easy process.

It's taking a risk to decide to leave a job or do anything that in effect will actually change what you are currently used to, especially if its what you've known for a number of years. It takes being brave to say to yourself that everything is going to be okay if you make this decision. It takes believing that you truly deserve better then what you are facing right now.  It's important to think about others around you and how they will be affected, but it also at times just as important to get out of a situation that is not good for you mentally, emotionally or physically. It is often times after you make the choice that things start to become more clear to you. You begin to feel empowered. If you are being controlled and bullied by anyone, its probably in your best interest to do your best to get out of the situation. 
 I am VERY happy with my decision to leave my job. I don't regret it at all. I feel for the Ladies that are still there and are looking for their way out. Usually, when its the right time, you just know. 
I have always had a hard time dealing with change. Sometimes it is under my control other times its not. But Whether it is or isn't, sometimes  It just needs to happen. Instead of thinking the worst, Think of what you can learn from the change that is happening or that you wish to happen.  Change has taught me a lot about the person I am and would like to be. Change has made me more aware of my self esteem and helped me to be more confident in myself.  I suggest talking to those who know you the best and have your best interests at heart. 
In the meantime, stay positive, and know your worth!

Please understand that these are only my personal opinions based on my own expriences.

Comment, Share,  Like me on FacebookVisit my website BodyWise Therapeutic Massage
Until the next time, 
always be creative & Thanks for reading

Lorin Janae~~